How to ensure correct

Frame Sizing

Frame sizing is important for both women and men

As bespoke frame builders since 1981*, we obviously have extensive knowledge and experience of sizing and fitting that we bring to our Ironbridge range. From the sizes that we offer, there should a frame that fits you, we can also build any frame as made-to-measure version to ensure the perfect fit. Within the sizing range we have included much smaller sizes than is usually found in production frames. And we can build much bigger frames too.

As each frame is made to order we are able to get the best fit for you the rider, regardless of gender. However we do understand woman have significant requirements that are quite often overlooked by larger manufactures. Woman's legs are usually longer for their given height than men and their torsos proportionally shorter. Therefor a bike with a short reach and/or higher handle bar position is often required to obtain the optimum position –we have incorporated this into the design of Ironbridge frames especially the smaller sizes (which will also help smaller men) and some of the larger sizes too.

We have also ensured that on our smaller frames toe overlap with the front wheel (only noticed when making tight turns at very slow speeds when) is eliminated or kept to the minimum. If you are at all unsure about which size will fit you best please download and fill in our sizing form and then we can advise you for the best fit. Or give us a call to discuss.

If you have fit information from a suitable Bike Fitter, we can use this too. Sizing and frame design The 1779 and 1851 have sloping top tubes and due to our design we can make the head tubes slightly longer as standard. On the 1952, there are 2 options a 6 degree slope for a compact design and on the level top tube version a standard 'classic' version or a 'classic plus' that has an extra 20mm of top head lug so giving a longer head-tube.

* See Swallow Bespoke pages. We also introduced 'Why Bikes' in the mid-90s especial to ensure the perfect for any woman.

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Ironbridge Bicycles is a Trading Name of P S Leisure Limited - Company number: 6164577 - VAT GB873 8500 03
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