Become one of our

Trade Partners

Working with quality Independent Bicycle shops around the World.

We will work with suitable, authentic and quality independent bicycle shops that give the highest level of customer service. We expect our products to be sold face-to-face with clients and that the shop is capable of dealing with all service issues including measuring and fitting of the client.

Our expectation is that partner shops will have at least 1 demonstration model that is available for potential customer to view and ride. As frames are built to order, partner shops are not expected to hold stock.

We passionately believe that independent bicycle shops (IBS) should be supported by the trade and retail customers alike. We will do our best to support IBS's in whatever ways we can to help them to sell our products – we are only a phone call or email away.

We appreciate that you know your customers' best and we will, whenever possible, direct local customers to you.

We will not supply internet companies.

Whatever country around the World you are in, if you are interested in selling Ironbridge Frames & bicycles and feel that you can offer our high standard of service to your customers, please contact us.

Working with quality Framebuilders in the UK.

Having been in the bicycle industry since the early 1980's we know just how hard it is to earn a living as a builder and how business goes up and down like the proverbial yoyo.

Would you like extra orders with no time spent on customer interaction? Can you build high quality fillet brazed frames from Bike Cad drawings with all materials ordered and sent to you?

Would like to partner with us and build Ironbridge frames? Then please contact us.

Become a trade partner

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Get in touch

Ironbridgwe Bicycles is a Trading Name of PS Leisure Limited - Company number: 6164577 - VAT GB873 8500 03
Tandem Experience Limited - A Subsidiary Company of PS Leisure Limited - Company number 09686660
Copyright - PS Leisure Limited and The Tandem Experience Limited

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